The True Life Of Pablo Escobar

The True Life Of Pablo Escobar


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Astrid Legarda. The True Life of Pablo Escobar: Blood, Betrayal And Death is The Testimony of John Jairo Velásquez Vásquez, Alias Popeye, Who Was Main Lieutenant, Private Secretary, And Friend to Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. Popeye Writes as a Witness And Participant to The Horror Created by The Medellín Cartel, a Mafia Organization That Covered Colombia in Blood For Many Years. Popeye Works From Memory And Harrowing Personal Experiences to Reveal Never Before Published Information on The Infamous Cartel. This is His Contribution to Society, to Not Only Help Us Better Understand The True Character of The Gangster Who Brought a Whole Nation to Its Knees, But Also to Shed Light on a Dark Page in Colombia'S Recent History, One Written in Blood, Betrayal, And Death ISBN: 9789588243252