Star Trek Ps3

Star Trek Ps3


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The 2009 r Trek film cawill be contributing their voices for the ge, including Chris Pine as Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock. Set after events of the r Trek (2009) reboot, continue the sweeping journey through the new universe with apletely origil ry Uncover new areas on the Enterprise and other s, explore never-before-seen sectors throughout the galaxy including exotic pls, treacherous jungles, remote space stations and other locales Built from the ground up as a co-op experience, Star Trek packs two vastly different geplay styles and unique character abilities into one game. The result - the most fully realized and varied co-op experience of this console generation Play for the first time as two of the most well-known characters in science fiction, as only this new Star Trek game could allow. With fate of the galaxy on the line, players must rely on each other to create a kick-ass team